Job referral reward: your chance to earn an iPhone 11 Pro

We’ve given away a brand new iPhone XS earlier this year in a first giveaway, to promote our vacancies. Our jobs page got shared quite a bit: over fifty people shared the news that we are looking to expand the team.
We’ve been asked whether such a campaign had any results and unfortunately, the answer was: no. There was no specific uptick in the amount of people applying to Mono. In fact, right after the campaign, there was even a dip in the numbers.
There are plenty of people applying to our company, but we are very specific about who we want in our team. We are looking to have the right mix of skills, in order to deliver the best interfaces.
We are looking to grow slowly, but surely. We see companies around us that try to go way too fast, and I believe that leads to problems. I would rather grow ClearLeft style. Nice and slow.
We haven’t found the right team members yet, so we’ve started round two of searching really hard a couple of weeks ago. In order to aid with this process, we have a new job referral reward. This time it’s results-based.
The person who can lead us to the right candidate will receive a brand new iPhone 11 Pro (256Gb), a €1329 value. We will ask each new candidate how they found out about Mono and if it was through a specific person, that person will then get an iPhone if we hire the person.
This offer is valid for 6 months, until Wednesday the 6th of May. Limit of one iPhone per person. You will only receive the iPhone after an effective full-time contract has been signed. You will receive the iPhone via mail, or it can be delivered if you live close to Antwerp or Ghent. The offer counts for all full-time positions: UI/UX designer, designer/developer and lead designer. The offer does not count for internships.
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