New Figma community resource: Flemish Government library

At Mono we have been working for the Flemish Government for a while.
A few weeks ago I asked on Twitter whether people would be interested in a Figma library that we have in use. A lot of people seemed to be interested, much more than expected! So we cleaned our file up for a public release, which you can now find on our Figma community profile.
Please that this is an unoffical kit. The components are meant to design web applications with the Flemish Government style. For the official version, please refer to WebUniversum.
A note about the Flanders Art font
This project uses the Flanders government font, so in order to use the file in practice, you need to have that font installed. We cannot provide the font publicly.
For more info on to acquire the font, please check this page on
Editor’s note: we were asked to take this file down, it has been unpublished from Figma community 21/04. If you have an interest in a design file, let us know so we can pressure the relevant parties to open source their work ;)!
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