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  • Johan Ronsse

Who We Are Looking For

A few days ago we announced we are looking for a UI designer. I want to elaborate a bit on why we are searching for someone to join the team, and why our job description is deliberately vague.

In a standard job offer you often see things like “x years of experience” and “Must know Photoshop and Sketch”. It doesn’t make much sense to us to list required knowledge. The tech and design world changes all the time. That’s why we list that you should be willing to learn, and we avoid listing technologies.

Of course I would value if our prospective fourth team member knows Sketch. If you haven’t heard of Sketch as a UI designer it means you don’t stay up to date with the industry. And to be honest this application is so easy to learn that you can get productive within a few days, if not hours.

A few months ago I was in a sales meeting, and the programmers that would develop the application had never heard of GitHub. I was thinking… if you’re a programmer and you’ve never heard of GitHub… have you been living under a rock or something?

As for the question whether a designer should know GitHub (and work with git by extension), it’s relatively debatable, but I would appreciate it. When Google releases Material Design Lite you should be able to npm install that stuff.

By the way, one of the things we like to do is go to a conference every year to get inspired.

So who are we looking for? Someone who can contribute, and make us stronger as a team.

Every designer is different.

For example, I am relatively technical as a designer. Xavier puts more emphasis on aesthetics, for example in typography. He sees typographic issues where I don’t. Jan has solid iOS knowledge and is more of a “native apps designer”.

Is the person we want more on the coding side of things, someone who is strong with 3D and video post production, or more of a web designer who wants to transition to the user interface world? The thing is that we don’t know ourselves.

We believe there’s many ways to get to a great solution and we don’t want to limit the job offer to a certain amount of years of experience or a certain skillset.

We are looking for a user interface designer, and if you identify with that title, are enthusiastic, and have a body of work to show, then bring it on.

If you have any questions, notes or comments, feel free to e-mail me directly at

Johan Ronsse

About the author

Johan Ronsse is an interface designer who is trying to find the balance between aesthetics and usability. He tweets as @wolfr_2.

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