Mono has closed its doors. Read more in our blogpost.

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  • Johan Ronsse

Quality not Quantity

As Xavier wrote in the previous blog post, We are looking for a new person to join our team, and what we really want is that this new person brings something new to the table.

We have a desire to grow in quality, not in numbers. But we’ve accepted that we need some kind of size to make the company that we want to create happen.

Growing the team in size has allowed us to focus on improving the quality of our projects, the tools we use to get the job done (Bedrock!), and in general makes for a much more fun company to work in.

What I want to work on as a team is to reach the level where we can do design at a very high level. I always get back to the example where Facebook bought Sofa. Why them? Because they were just very very good at what they did.

When Microsoft has to decide who is going to do the next Xbox UI, I want them to think about Mono. We are reaching the level where we are becoming a name on the “list” for the design major software projects within Belgium, but we want to expand our horizons and bring things a bit further. To do this we need a certain scale. A great team.

Are you a UI designer with 3D skills? Are you a programmer with UI chops? Are you a visual designer crazy about icons and typography. Bring it on!

P.S. A more official job description can be found here.

Johan Ronsse

About the author

Johan Ronsse is an interface designer who is trying to find the balance between aesthetics and usability. He tweets as @wolfr_2.

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